Colour connects (CAMH, 250 College st)

i worked with two clinics at camh to provide outpatients with an opportunity to revitalize the space where they access ongoing care.  The clinic was previously an inpatient unit, so Numerous clients have had hospital admissions at this location and trauma associated with the space. the goal was therefore to transform and enliven the environment for patients attending therapeutic recreation programming and injection administration with colour and collaborative art. Their ideas and artwork drove the design process.

CAMH (250 College St) / Out patients


“The Colour Connects project highlighted the importance (and often overlooked) impact that colour has on our mood and wellbeing overall.  From my perspective as a Recreation Therapist, the Colour Connects project has transformed the Downtown Central and East outpatient clinics beyond my expectations!  Not only was Caroline a pleasure to collaborate with, but she also brought an unique, creative perspective that unified participants in a way unlike anything I have ever witnessed before.  I strongly recommend (and hope) that this project can be adopted by other CAMH programs who wish to transform their physical spaces to make them more conducive for healing and recovery, led by the client voice.” - Janine, CAMH clininician


3rd St Men's Shelter (NYC)


CAMH (Forensic Unit)